Tyler Lights Up Every Room he Walks Into
Tyler’s Mother, Aimee writes:
Tyler was born in 2014 – he had a rough entry into the world and he was a very unsettled baby – the nights were long.
He has always been so active and energetic, he never runs out of energy. He never really spoke much at all and would never make any eye contact or point to objects. I had become so used to how Tyler was that I didn’t even notice the signs of Autism. It wasn’t until he was aged 2 and a half that I was honestly struggling to get through each day; he was very emotional too and frustrated because he couldn’t tell me what he needed. Finally at age 3 we got a diagnoses of Autism, level 2 and mainly non verbal.
That day was so hard for us; I remember sitting in the chair with the paediatrician, Tyler was on the floor screaming and kicking her desk – we both sat there in tears. So much was going through my mind all at once, but once we got all the diagnoses done and funding approved we found the Autism Association of WA and they have been amazing from day one. Tyler has improved drastically with eye contact, verbal communication and social skills. They even come to his school for visits and help with strategies for Tyler at school. We still have a lot to learn but nothing is impossible – I’m truly so blessed to have one amazing little boy; he lights up every room he walks into with his beautiful smile!