
Lilyan is an Amazing Vocalist!

Lilyan’s mother, Desiree writes:

Lilyan is 19 and has achieved so much. Lilyan left school at 15 and last year graduated Australian Performing Arts Network with her Advanced Diploma, certificate IV and certificate II in Musical Theatre.
She has gone forward and is teaching at 3 Musical Theatre at 3 different well known dance schools. She also teaches private singing lessons to numerous students throughout Perth.

At the age of 2 we were told she most likely wouldn’t talk, with many hours of therapy and us all believing anything is possible this beautiful young lady has shown us anything is possible. Yes we still have our bad days and it hasn’t been an easy journey but it is a journey worth sharing because this young lady is going places with her singing. She is an amazing vocalist and we can’t wait to see where this journey takes her next.
